If you'd had told me three years ago that I'd be writing a blog, where I BARE ALL, running my own business (!) and creating a book for Amazon (!!), I would have scoffed in your face. Yeah right! There's no way I can do that.
But, here I am!
It's amazing, time. How things change; like the seasons or the lines on a persons face. How things stay the same; the ebb and flow of an ocean or the busy-ness of bees beavering on. There's always a reason, I believe, for things to occur in our lives. Sometimes those reasons are obvious and some are not so. The one thing I do know however is that time is healing.
Time is the exact reason I'm here today, writing my first ever blog entry. I hope you can spend a little time, take a pause and reflect with me as I Beeautifully Bumble By. But why?
I have a whole host of stories I wish to share. Stories of whom without, I wouldn't be on the journey I'm on. Stories of whom without, I wouldn't be as aware as I am. Stories of whom without, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I'm not usually one for sharing my secrets and feelings publicly but in my line of work, I have come to believe that it's important to be relatable, open and honest. After all, who wants to go to a therapist that has not come to terms with the cards they themselves have been dealt?
So, the first glimpse of many that I offer you, my Beeautiful Bumblers, is that of my anxiety. This is something I have struggled with for as long as I can remember and throughout our journey together, you'll be able to learn more. But for now, know that the anxiety I face magically bumbles on by when meeting and supporting my wonderful clients. Helping people has always been on my radar. I guess the fact that, when faced with other people's challenges, helping others is so innate within me diminishes my anxiety. It's like a siren call. Nothing else matters in that moment but the problems of my clients.
Perhaps that's more to do with self belief than anything else but more on that another day! If that makes me a good or bad therapist, I'll let you be the judge of that. We are all human after all. It does however show I'm honest and genuine; I hold that as very important when working with others. Isn't it so refreshing when you meet someone and they are so down to earth and genuine? They are my kind of people.
So, that's me! Annie. People are my thing and psychology is my game. I love the work I do and if you've made it this far; I love you too. Will you Bumble By with me next week as I, bit by bit, show you more glimpses of my own Bumblings, in the hope to provide you with support, guidance, laughter and time?
Remember, your journey is yours and it is oh so Beeautiful. Until next week, Beeautiful Bumblers.